Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Goodbye Dinner

Our longtime pal and fellow musician, Raenie, is on her way out of town for good. Ed set up a dinner for her, and invited Billy and Chantal as well. What do you cook that says goodbye?
Just a brainstorm list: mussels, bruschetta, lots of wine, pork, chocolate... That's tough. Raenie is a hard-hitting drummer, and a classy broad. Maybe a hearty soup? Something epic, for sure. Something to remember us by.
It looks to be a busy spring for dinner parties. I'm feeling like the past year has seen a huge leap in my kitchen skills, and I want to keep progressing. Entertaining lets me stay social, and practice menu creations. Jacque has been such an inspiration and teacher through his new OPB series. I'm very excited to do a dinner with Robin with his recipes.

1 comment:

  1. I was watching another episode today, and thinking about that. It's choosing that's really the hardest thing, I think. So many possibilities. Maybe we ought to get random and pick recipes by rolling dice! Hah!
