Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dirt Never Sleeps

Man! Cleaning again. I just go round and round in this little house. Catch up on the laundry only to find that the dust cropped up under the couch again. Clean the dishes, and the sheets need a 'changing. It's enough to keep me on the edge of crazy! I do love a tidy home, but for just one day, can the dirt take a break?!#
  Ah well, it's my new hobby. Cleaning. I need to remember that when I signed up for this Homemaker shit, I joined the cleaning club. When I'm done folding that laundry pile, I'm gonna go buy some beer and start in on the boys' room. What a hole that is. It is all worthwhile for that moment when you manage to catch the monkey for just a second, (before the debris hits the floor, and the beds rumple) and sit on the couch amidst all that domestic perfection, and just be. That is my drug.

1 comment:

  1. I know, it's like the tide in that it always comes back, but getting rid of it requires more effort. Even the two of us manage to mess things up continually. Enjoy that clean moment!
