Tuesday, October 26, 2010

La Batterie de Cuisine

La batterie; all of the implements used in the battle against food: pots, pans, whisks, knives,cutting boards, and scales. A good one can make everything more smooth, and a lousy one can be the death knell for your dish.I have an adequate collection of pots and pans, but my knives are terrible. I sometimes think that if I had a good knife, I would be a much better prep cook than I ever dreamed possible. There are some things that I would like to get like a meat mallet, a fat separator, a bread machine, a turkey rack, etc., but they are so fluffy that I continue to make do without them. It would be nice, but in the end, you don't need all that.


  1. Beware gadget creep! That stuff grows, and then sits, gets in the way, and collects grime in your drawers. At least, that's what happens at my house. I do have a meat mallet, but that's mostly because my mom decluttered her drawer, about 30 years ago. I don't use it much, and then only because I happen to have it - a rolling pin works about the same. Knives, though, yes. And I need to be better about keeping them sharp. Whisks are my tool, though. I need to have a ton of whisks, of different sizes. Especially little ones, for dressings. We should go gadget shopping sometime. That would be totally dangerous!!

  2. don't cut yourself! You are the sharpest knife in my drawer, hon!
