Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brandy is Dandy

Gosh, where have I been all my life? I am just now being initiated into the world of brandy. It's a wide world, seemingly. From what I can discern, most liqeurs are brandies, and then you have the Armagnac, cognac, Pisco and my favorite, Calvados. A brandy is a distilled wine, or distillate of fermented fruits such as apples, pears, berries, etc.
Brandy has been around for almost as long as wine. It is a handy method of preserving wines, and honing them down to their essence. The spirit has been used medicinally, and also put to great effect in the culinary world. I first fell for Armagnac in Lee Zucker's dynamite Armagnac cake; a spice cake soaked in the famous brandy from northern France. Delicious. Yet, even more satisfying is a nice shot of Calvados, a double distilled apple brandy, also from northern France. This stuff is serious: 80 proof, with a rich flavor, a smooth mouth feel, and insight into the heart of the apple.
I'm not sure why brandy is so overlooked in this country. Aside from black people, and some high fallutin' types, I hardly ever sell much at my bar. I hope this is isn't taken as racist, but I've noticed that black folks love Cognac, and it appears in many rap songs. It is also huge in Asia, and Europe, as an after dinner drink. The Europeans prefer theirs warm, while the Asians drink it on the rocks. Maybe Americans just need to be educated. It makes a great mixer, or a simply wonderful way to close a meal.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ah, whiskey...

On St. Paddy's Day, I look back on my love affair with whiskey, as I sip a Jamison's neat with a beer back.
I forget how I first fell for her, that firey gab water. My father's always drunk it, but he didn't introduce me. Maybe it was hanging out with Kelani and her Maker's. It's just that, for some time now, I've loved the buzz and convivial spirit that a nice whiskey gives.
The Irish whiskeys are so pure and bracing, like a lonely moor. The Scotch a touch hoarier, with highland bite and peaty crunch. In the Canadian blends I find a calm, open smoothness.
I don't care what kind you hand me, Manhattan, Old-Fashioned or neat. Just let the whiskey flow, with good people, good music and eats.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


When I misguidedly tried to abstain from drink, I had none in the house. Except, that is, for the vermouth.
I have always looked down on vermouth, and seen it as a culinary spirit, not fit for drink. In the league with marsala and sherry, it sat, dusty on the rack, to occasionally freshen a saute, or deglaze.
I pulled it down. It was a good brand, as expensive as the wines I drink. It recommended itself as a "long drink over ice". I poured it half and half with lemon soda water and a twist, over ice. So nice. Clean. Crisp. Refreshing. A wonderful bridge from afternoon to evening.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Being that I have failed miserably in my attempts at sobriety, I thought I might as well go off the wagon in style. Floral drinks are all the rage, I hear, and there are violets springing up everywhere. Why not forgo the expensive liquers and simply shake the hell out of fresh flowers with ice, nice gin, lemon juice and a little simple syrup? Or better yet, make a violet simple syrup? The Blue Gimlet? The Fairy Gimlet? Whatever I wind up calling it, I like it!

Friday, February 4, 2011

No-Fun February

Alcohol never looked so good. We are abstaining for the month, as we try to every year, and it always leaves me flat.
Supposedly, it's better for you not to drink. You don't get liver damage, your immunity is higher, your skin less wrinkled, and you aren't as confrontational. I don't know about all that. It feels terrible to me.
What do sober people do for fun? Food is ruined. The magic of a great meal truly lies in the interactions of the victuals and the alcohol. Champagne as an apertif gets you ready for dinner, red wine eases it down, and a good shot after makes digestion a snap. Yoga helps me relax, but not as quickly as a nice cocktail. Life seems longer without booze, but much narrower.
Sure, you're saying to yourself, that's the addiction talking. Maybe so, but I wager that if I were to quit forever, not a day would go by that I wouldn't have rather had a drink.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I guess this is the come down.
After so much drink and food, January can be a difficult transition. I worked hard to get up to party pace, and now I have to let it all go? Mid year, I floundered to maintain my cool at parties; the spins, cold showers. Now I'm able to drink through the evening and still hold a stimulating conversation. There's got to be the golden mean between teetotaller and lush.
Here's a solution...champagne! It's lighter than liquor and stronger than beer. It's fluffy and fanciful, and you can drink it any any time of day! Bubbly makes me feel classier.
So, let's lift a flute and get through January!

Eugene 75
3/4 oz. fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 oz. rose liqeur
1 oz. Sapphire
fill the rest of the way with champagne

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hot Cha Cha

It was a very swilly Christmas. I ushered in the new year with lots of beer and whiskey. No mixed drinks for me, unless you count the champagne cocktail I created by adding Lemoncello to mimosas. My main drinking buddy was sick, though, so we made tons of Hot Toddys.
What an amazing beverage this is! A simple synthesis of hot water, honey, cinnamon stick and bourbon, it warms the cockles of your heart. It doesn't even matter what you put in it, if it's a hot, sweet alcoholic drink, it can be called a toddy. Nice and flexible that, just like my Scottish memory.
After drinking so much for the holidays, it's hard to bring it down a notch in January. So, I went to Davis for a martini after work last night, as part of my "bartender education". Thai told me that Chris is a real mixologist, and he didn't lie. My fears of straight gin and vermouth melted away in the cold, clean, dry, floral citrus bracer he set before me. Here's to a new year filled with fabulous drinks!